Green Living

With new buzzwords being thrown around all the time, like net zero, carbon neutral and green goals, it can quickly become hard to keep track of what they all mean.

To begin reversing the effects of climate change we need to start making changes in our everyday lives which, collectively, will start to make a real difference to the planet. 

One way of achieving this is through being energy efficient. The more energy you save, the lower your carbon emissions, which in turn benefits the environment. 

There are lots of ways you can help save energy around the house, and with 40% of UK emissions coming from the household it’s an important place to start making change. And when you save on energy, you save on your electricity bill as well, a win-win! 

Fully load your appliances 

Half-loads settings do not save any electricity; rapidly heating the water and powering the machines is what uses the most electricity, which means that even with a half load the energy use will be high. Fully loading your machines is much more efficient, so try and do fewer, but fuller, wash loads instead. 

Use eco settings 

On your boiler and dishwasher, the eco setting heats water at a slower rate, which uses a lot less energy than rapidly heating water. You’ll get the same results as the normal setting, it will just take a little longer.

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Don’t use standby mode 

Unless you switch them off at the wall, appliances like your TV and computers will continue to use energy, costing the average home extra money each month.

Unplug your chargers

People tend to leave their chargers plugged into their outlets unnecessarily, over-charging their phones and devices over night. Instead, as soon as your device is fully charged you should unplug the charger. Not only will this save energy from being wasted, it also help prolong your devices battery life, and can save you up to £60 a year on your electricity bills. 

Turn down your temperature 

With modern effective washing detergents, there’s often no need for a hot wash with your machine. Any higher than 30°C is a waste of energy. 

Update your heating system 

New boilers may be expensive, but in the long run they are much more energy efficient and will help you keep the monthly bills down. They will help you save energy and lower your carbon emissions per year.